8 years ago today, gay marriage became the law of the land.
While this was undoubtedly a joyous moment for so many American families, did you know that when Big Gay™ (AKA all the well-funded LGBQ organizations) decided to focus on passing same-sex marriage, they did so at the expense of issues trans groups had begged to prioritize?
To this day, transgender people are marginalized and minoritized even within the LGBTQ+ community; our needs and concerns are routinely deprioritized or dismissed by white cisgender gay-led orgs with the money and resources to impact big change.
Every Pride, friends of mine inevitably ask where they should donate. What I always share is that while social justice nonprofits can and have done great work, the greatest impact an individual can make is by giving to trans-led mutual aid organizations or directly to transgender people ourselves.
This Pride, I Have an urgent request
Two dear friends of mine, Veronica Pearl and Julien Langevin, have accumulated over $50,000.00 in outstanding medical bills over the last few months following mental health crises. In response, the coffee community is organizing a fundraising drive—can you support by donating $10 or more, or buying a bag of our limited release coffee?
Three words: Hot. Medicated. Summer.
That’s what we’re calling our fundraiser. Gay and to the point. We hope this money will allow Veronica and Julien the time and space to continue getting the support they need, heal, and thrive for decades to come.
Over the next few weeks, Trans & Caffeinated, GoFundBean, Glitter Cat Barista, Shuv Coffee, Atlas Coffee Importers, Café Imports, Umeshiso, Tanbrown, and many more are rolling out numerous different ways for you to support.
#1: Purchase our Limited Release Single-Origin Coffees
Shuv Coffee, a trans-owned roasting company based in Indianapolis, has roasted two delicious single-origin coffees for you to try. 100% of proceeds will benefit the Hot Medicated Summer fundraiser for Julien and Veronica!
Sold at a sliding scale beginning at $24, we’re only selling a limited number –so grab a bag while you have a chance. Tell your friends, tell your colleagues, tell your sister’s second husband’s third cousin, because these coffees are absolutely bonkers delicious.
Read more about these exclusive single-origin offerings: Rebuild Women’s Hope, donated by Atlas Coffee Importers, and Carmen Cecilia Montoya – Finca Los Pinos donated by Café Imports.

#2: A Virtual Raffle and Auction, with 10+ Chances to Win Big—and I mean big
Y’all I am not joking when I say this is the coolest raffle I’ve ever seen. Hands down. I can’t share specifics right now, but here are a few highlights.
- 1 item is a one-of-a-kind, never-been-seen-before, never-will-be-seen again piece of tech from a very reputable and well-known coffee equipment brand. Feel free to guess, but I won’t tell you if you’re right (or wrong!)
- 6 prizes include custom hand-painted coffee equipment by coffee people artists
- 3 bundles include items that retail for over $800. One item is valued at $1350. Each of these bundles can be won by purchasing a raffle ticket for between $10-$20.
- The total $ value of all the prizes combined is over $10K, and that’s not even counting the price of custom artwork or the priceless one-of-a-kind item I’m not allowed to tell you about 😉
This mega-awesome raffle launches on our fundraising website on Monday, July 10 so mark your calendars. We’ll be rolling out bundles two or three at a time until the following Monday, when we’ll be auctioning off literally the coolest thing you’ve ever seen (that, correct – I still cannot tell you about!)
#3: Donate Directly
While on the surface this may not seem as mega-exciting as over $10,000.00 in coffee raffle bundles or two limited-release single origin coffees, I promise you nothing compares to the sweet sweet satisfaction of knowing you supported two amazing and stunningly attractive trans people. Seriously, look at these stunners?!

If neither of the options outlined above has you jumping out of your seat, please consider donating directly. Your donation goes a long way to helping ensure Veronica and Julien are able to live the long, healthy, fulfilling, wildly accomplished lives they both want and so so deserve.