Summer Newsletter: Narrative Power, Trans Futures, & What It Takes to Win

Summer 2024 New Updates: Narrative Power & What It Takes to Win

Check out where I’ve been and what comes next (spoiler alert: I’m open to new communications clients!) 

Woah oh oh, woke up today feeling the way I always do! Busy and stressed!

If you’re wondering why it’s been a while since my last newsletter, and why I’m quoting musical theatre smash hit Good Morning Baltimore from Broadway’s critically-acclaimed Hairspray, I’ll tell ya! Trans & Caffeinated has been on the move…

Netroots Nation 2024

In July, I convened a panel in Baltimore on behalf of Transgender Law Center titled Messaging Trans Futures: Narrative Power for the World We Deserve

This session brought together leaders across economic, trans, migrant, Black, and repro justice spaces to answer a timely question: how can we work together across movements to build a cohesive, coordinated narrative strategy that gets us closer to the world we want to live in?

The answer was clear, and perhaps obvious: we need to remain in conversation with each other. We need to learn how to work across ideological and tactical differences to achieve our shared vision for the future. We need to integrate teachings and lessons from all justice movements into a coordinated strategy—rather than continually reinventing the wheel. We need to understand what matters to people who share our values but not (yet) our political practice, and craft strategy that brings those groups into building our shared vision for the future. In order to marginalize the small group of far-right bad actors who continually violate our values, we need to work together to build people power. This is how we win. 

You can check out the panel recording here: 

Moderator: Arielle Rebekah (they/them), Panelists: Anna Castro (they/them), Teal Inzunza (she/her), Oluchi Omeoga (any pronouns), Maria Tchijov (she/they)

Journalist Education Webinar Series

In June, I convened a webinar on behalf of Transgender Law Center titled Mapping the Influence of Christian Nationalism Across All Beats. This was the first session of a 2-year webinar series designed to engage journalists in conversation about trans communities and support them in telling fuller, more humanizing stories about trans lives. 

Future sessions will be focused on supporting journalists with reporting on gender-affirming medical care, trans athletes, reproductive healthcare, disabled trans people, and more. This first session contextualized future webinars by providing insight into the small group of far-right, Christian Nationalist bad actors who have launched widescale attacks on all marginalized communities. These attacks span across each of the issue areas we’ll be focusing on in future sessions and more. 

Please fill out this form if you’re interested in attending future sessions.

You can check out the panel recording here: 

Moderator: Arielle Rebekah (they/them), Panelists: Reverend Keats Miles-Wallace (they/them) Reverend Naomi Washington-Leapheart (she/her) Vivian McCall (she/her) Heron Greenesmith (they/them)

March on the Democratic National Convention

Earlier this month, I joined Jewish Voice for Peace – Chicago at the March on the DNC.

I was responsible for creating and implementing JVP’s local media strategy, both in advance of the march and on the ground. Here’s what I did…

  • I built out a scenario map, detailing every possible situation we’d need to respond to before or during the march. I worked with a team to plan strategic communications responses to each scenario. 
  • T&C subcontractor Mollie Hartenstein and I met weekly with JVP National’s communications team, JVP Action, JVP Chicago members, and the Coalition to March on the DNC’s Media Team to ensure consistent strategic alignment across all stakeholders. 
  • I created and delivered an advanced spokesperson training that built off ASO Communications’ RCN messaging research to achieve JVP’s messaging goals while also remaining in alignment with the Coalition’s goal of emphasizing Black and Palestinian solidarity.
  • I put together an on-the-ground communications team that included media wranglers, advanced spokespeople, social media posters, and brilliant movement photographer Chana Shapiro.
  • I supported our on-the-ground media team during the march,

As a result, our team achieved on-message quotes in over 30 publications including Truthout, The Hill, Rolling Stone, Al Jazeera, CBC, and NBC. We built and further developed relationships with local organizers, and successfully demonstrated both on-the-ground and in media coverage robust progressive Jewish anti-Zionist support for a free Palestine. 

Life Updates!

The real reason I’ve been MIA is actually something quite wonderful: my partner and I moved in together this July! Wahoo!

Sim is the absolute love of my love, and I am so excited to continue building a home with them and our magical little fur babies. 

If you feel inclined to donate to our moving fund, feel free to venmo @/ariellerebekah

NLGJA: Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists National Convention

Next week, I’ll be moderating and presenting on a panel at NLGJA titled Responsible Reporting on Transgender Communities with Ale Pedraza Buenahora, Serena Daniari, and Elly Belle. A recording will be available in October. More to come…

And lastly – I’m open to new clients!

Real talk: the world is getting increasingly expensive, and being a freelancer is tough! I’m looking to add a few new clients to my calendar this fall and winter.

I’m generally pivoting away from event planning and workplace training (although still open to these opportunities with values-aligned orgs!), and toward more progressive communications strategy work.

My experience spans across:

  • Narrative Change and Strategy
  • Media Strategy
  • Project Management
  • Research
  • Public speaking, including keynotes, webinars, and in-person panels
  • Podcasting
  • And more!

If you know of opportunities, or you’re looking for a communications strategist, feel free to schedule a free 1:1 with me. Be sure to indicate which organization you’re with or which opportunity you’re looking to fill.

That’s all for now~

Here’s to a transer future,
Arielle Rebekah

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